About Us

Waste Retention Electronics Metal Fab Engineering


Independent Rail Corporation dba INDIERAIL

Home of INDIERAILINDIERAIL was founded in 2001 by Robert Driggers, President & CEO and Dennis Laswell, Secretary & CFO, and is headquartered in a 97,000 square foot facility on the east side of Indianapolis, Indiana.  INDIERAIL is a leading supplier of rail road passenger car vacuum toilet waste retention systems. INDIERAIL sets the standard for cost effective and reliable vacuum waste retention systems. INDIERAIL with its technical and customer support teams, stands behind its technology with one objective —“COMPLETE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.”

Mission Statement

Our mission at INDIERAIL, is to be dedicated to providing our customers with world class assembly services and products. Thus, from initial contact through product delivery, our team will work with you to provide outstanding service and quality needed to get your product to you on time and within budget.

Our Culture

Integrity—Our business actions and decisions will always reflect the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct.

Safety and Environmental Stewardship—Our products will be safe, reliable and environmentally responsible. We will create and maintain an accident-free work environment and will comply with laws and regulations.

Long-term Value Added Relationships—We will create long-term relationships with customers, employees, suppliers and the communities in which we live and work. These relationships will be based on openness, integrity and trust.

Belief in Employees—Employees are INDIERAILS greatest asset. By encouraging individual achievement, teamwork and diversity, we are committed to high performance at all levels.

Leadership Example—Managers must lead by example and foster cross-functional teamwork to earn the respect of customers, employees and peers. Managers must demonstrate their ability to achieve goals and develop leaders throughout our company.

Objectives, Planning and Review—All employees should know exactly what is expected of them and how this expectation aligns with the group and corporate objectives. We believe in semi-annual planning and review sessions for all employees.

Self-Development and Training—Personal development is a shared responsibility between employees and management. Employees should receive sufficient training to do their jobs and have opportunities to improve their skills and advance.

Recognition and Reward—Employees should be recognized for their contributions to our performance through formal and informal reward programs that reflect individual and team performance. All employees should have an incentive compensation opportunity.

Consistency of Style—INDIERAILS culture should be evident throughout the company. All employees should be accountable for becoming more productive and contribute to the maintenance of a low-cost environment.